May 3, 2009

hell week..

at long last.. hell week was done.. over..
hell week?.. oh i meant the warehouse sales project at united square..
it started last tuesday and ended on sunday..
phew.. it was a roller coaster ride like it had always been..

well.. the usual stuff we get every time..
always happen during the may day week..
we displayed junk to be sold..
fresh jokes and teases among the gang..
i thought that "meiyo.. meiyo.." joke was lame..
it had to be cos that joke was a slap on my face..
long story.. thanks to the guys..
one of the reasons why i like projects.. sometimes..

pesky customers were never evitable..
urghh.. i just realized my new name card had my mobile number on it..
bad mistake givin' them to the customers..
and testing counter was my forte..

the only difference this time..
chicken backsides were around to help..
especially the mother of all chicken backsides..
well i got no issue with that..
but a tramp would always have an issue with anyone..

"why must testing counter have 5 people?"
"nobody wants to help me with my work.."
"my staffs have forgotten about me.."

for the record..
you had the same number of people i had on sat..
then after lunch i gave you an extra help..
and i got a sarcastic remark for my gesture..
and earlier today you had like 8 heads..
to help you with your work..
and you still bitch about it..
and after lunch i gave you an extra help.. again..
and i did this out of respect of abg and his advice..

to shut you up..

if you wanted help..
you could have simply asked..
ironically.. for a chicken backside mouth like that..
you didn't even know how to..
i don't get this kinda shit from the old man..

c'mon lah..
the testing queue got long at certain periods of the day..
even with 5 men.. we were struggling occasionally..
with the limited space we had to work in..
the embarrassment we faced when a toy didn't work..
the customers' wrath and torment we had to endure..
basically everyone had their own shit..
but the thing was we did not bitch about it..

and another note..
you had the audacity to bitch about your own staffs to others..
where your staffs had served you loyally for years..
what's wrong with you?..
i've always been embarrassed with myself..
that i was once your subordinate..
poor bro.. poor mini..

goodness.. look at the junk behind us..

one thing the newbies need to learn when goin' to any project like this..
never never never create trouble..
in other words.. don't make boss mad..
this time round he's ok though..
only a bit of glitches here and there..
thank god it was momentarily..
and funny that some people can never learn from past experience..
especially when it comes to staff discount sessions..
boss was nearly at his temper peak that nite..
but fortunately he didn't explode..
we never want that to happen..
but what we always want to happen..
is when we get free food and drinks all week long..
breakfast.. lunch.. dinner.. all covered..
one of the privileges we get when involved in a warehouse sales project.

and like tlc always sang..
"don't go chasin' waterfalls.."
well my nose became one..
caught the flu bug and then moderate fever..
haha.. it happened last year..
well.. every year actually..

bought myself some panadol powder satchets..
but it still was no good..
just hope it ain't swine flu..

till the next project then..
but pls.. not reno..


  1. relink me okay??? From samira u look properly u will know me... okay???

  2. woah ahbui is happily eating her pizza....

  3. i hate chicken backside no1!!!!she forever like to bitch about her staff!she hurt my feeling man=(

  4. i know she did.. good that you are not workin' with her anymore..

  5. ya!!last time she at JP also not like this de lo!!since she go TBL den she become like this le!!trying to act infront of erictui lo!!

  6. relax mini.. now u @ forum oready.. u can pizza more more happy..
