Mar 5, 2009


wakin' up @ 7++ in the mornin' everyday now..
has begun to take its toll on me..
my mind spent..
my body beaten..
i'm lethargic.. just lethargic..

i would relish..
to have my normal shifts back..
full.. mornin'.. afternoon..
which had been registered in my body system..
for the past 6 years..
but that won't be the case for me anymore..

somethin' funny happened at work today..
took a short nap after lunch..
with the rest of the guys..
i think it was a 15-minute nap or so..
'til it was time to start work again..
kakak gave the wake-up call..

kakak: "amin.. amin.. bangun.. bangun.."
me (dazed.. attempts to sit up & replied): "ye mak.. err.. kak.."

laughter filled the room..

but then as usual i don't mind..

really gonna miss workin' with this gang..

later in the evenin'..
went back to jp..
to look at the store once we called home..
it was officially handed back to the landlord earlier today..
the entrance was totally covered with the hoardin' board..
which was secured with a number lock..
made a peep through the boards and saw..
absolutely nothing..

tradition never dies..
took a few fags for the last time (i hope not)..
with the usual suspects..
at the famous bridge..

our final hurrah..

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