Jun 19, 2009


back to the drawin' board..

inventory is comin' soon..
and there was a walk-in interview for helpers..
and i was at the helm of the 3-day session at suntec..
the first day was madness..
interviewed almost 90 people..
but the numbers gradually died down as the days went by..
alerted office to run another ad in the papers this mon..

with the economic downturn plaguin' us right now..
i'm just glad that i'm not the one goin' for a job interview..

i remember a job interview i went 6 years ago..
i was already a part-timer at toys 'r' us..
but i wanted a full-time job badly..
and just being part-time wasn't my cup of tea..

i went to raffles hotel..
walked in and applied to be a front desk officer..
i recall goin' to their human resource office in the basement..
and there were other applicants too..
and this abang sittin' beside me..
was also applyin' for a job..
he looked like an ex-convict or offender..
and he wanted to see my completed form..
and i let him.. til' now i don't know why i did that..

i guess he felt threatened..
with the outbreak of sars at that time..
lookin' for a job was like a gold rush..
which actually resembled the situation at present..
with the threat of h1n1..

i passed the first interview with the h.r lady..
and was asked to come back for a second interview the followin' week..
an indian gentleman in a neatly ironed suit interviewed me the next round..
i believed he must have used starch for his suit..
he brought me around the hotel..
had a drink and talked at the lounge..
i also remembered at the end of interview..
when i wanted to take my i.c back from security..
the security personnel informed..
they had given my i.c to the wrong guy.. what the..
but they had already contacted the guy..
and he was on the way back to the control room..
to return my i.c and take his..
such efficiency..

i thought i did well for my second interview..
but the call from raffles didn't come..
actually the call did come a few weeks later..
i was doin' cashier at the ol' jp store..
picked up the call at my register booth while on duty (oops)..
and a lady asked if i was interested to be their security guard..
again.. what the..
no disrespect to all security personnels.. but no way..
i guess i wasn't cut out to be even a front desk officer huh..
mr. indian gentleman in the starched suit..

it was such a miserable period of my life..
i completed n.s when sars was rampant..
couldn't continue my studies..
and i was penniless..
my dreams and ambitions were completely dashed..
this wasn't the life i had hoped for back then..

but now..
after all the struggles and setbacks..
i went thru..
i'm just contented that i have a job right now..
with age catchin' up..
no point dreamin' anymore..
looks like i just have to settle for this..
with no regrets..

and i'm still mad with you though..

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