Jan 31, 2010


i'm still waitin'..
and it's february tomorrow..

met mambo at woodlands today..
another j.i bro of mine..
his real name is md. fadli..
can't recall who and why he was given that nick..
i think it must be those dikir barat days.. haha..
i'll call him'bo' for short..
and the name stuck with him til' now..

anyway.. mambo's married..
stayin' with his in-laws right now..
a predicament i'll be in too..
in 2 months time..

can't remember the last time we met..
we did a lot of catchin' up..

saw this at metro woodlands..
dude.. there's actually a superhero named after you..
way cool.. haha..

korean fever hit lot 1 today..
some band called shinee made an appearance..
they had an autograph session at the roof top garden..
those who couldn't get through to the top level..
had to make do with the tv screenin' outside the mall..
loads of screamin' girls.. urgh..
mum and afirah went too..
i thought i saw mum screamed too.. haha..

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