Jan 4, 2010

the thinkin' woman..

exactly 3 months away..
and suddenly it sets you thinkin'..
unsure if this is the right path for you..

for the record..
i want you..
whatever shortcomings i have..
they are merely the lesser evil..

why can't you see that?..
i'll work on them..
even if it takes ten.. twenty years..
you'll have to wait and see..

i know you expect more depth from me..
if this matrimony prevails..
but you don't even give me a chance..
you want it ready on a silver platter..

i'm sorry if i misled you..
if you think that the past two years together..
was a huge lie.. a waste of time.. and unfair for you..
but i don't see it that way..

you have the right to feel this way..
your insecurities and doubts cloudin' you..
but why now?..

a word of advice..
stop thinkin'..
whatever your final resolution is..
i can take it..

i hope..

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