Feb 16, 2009

dear honey..

can't recall the last time i went to karaoke.. cravin' for it right now.. hope that the karaoke outin' with the store guys materializes this month end(will provide details soon).. need someone to sing a duet song with me.. any takers?..

wish i could bring honey along.. but she doesn't like all this.. i actually feel guilty not tellin' things to her.. like not tellin' her that i went to the chalet over the weekend.. but what to do.. don't get me wrong.. i'm not cheatin' on her.. love is there.. love is all around.. but all i can say is.. zest.. spontaneity.. adventure & mis adventures.. only then one achieves self-contentment and fulfilment.. let life be unpredictable.. it is supposed to be that way.. it really annoys me that i can't do anythin'.. i try to understand.. but sometimes i feel it's too rigid and dogmatic.. it drives me crazy.. of cos certain boundaries still have to be observed.. that i agree.. but honey.. you need to express yourself more.. we need to express ourselves more.. i think there are priests laughin' at me..

anyways.. rayhan and alex got shrinkwrapped today.. serve them right.. for not thinkin' before postin' self-destructive comments on fb.. haha..

p/s: rayhan looks charmin' lately.. ;P


  1. eh rayhan perasan, cute la charming la
    hmpf everything you want eh. hahaha,
    ehhh amin i forgot to ask you, do u have msn?

  2. yup i do.. my webmail is.. edge_christian@msn.com.. add me yah.. haha and yup.. rayhan ni kuat perasan..
