Feb 18, 2009

shit happens

could have blogged at 5 in the mornin' today after work but was too lethargic.. threw rubbish the nite before which dragged till about 3.30am.. phew!.. it was tormentin'.. the amount of rubbish and junk we had in store really put us to the challenge.. especially when the container wasn't that big.. but we managed to squeeze all those damn crap and shit into the bin.. and after the whole ordeal.. i really smelled like that same damn crap and shit.. and we are yet to throw the unwanted metals.. just a few more days.. endurance is the key to survival..

p.s: kakak called me abt 7 in the mornin'.. informin' that the driver of the rubbish container refused to pick up the bin cos the load was too high.. gosh.. another shitty challenge.. and the mall security management wanted the bin to be removed or else we'll be fined or somethin'.. oh my.. how to think of a solution at 7am.. braindead!!!.. i thought i did mumble somethin' to kakak cos i was too dazed.. i couldn't recollect what i said to her.. i hope it wasn't utter shit.. now that'd be embarrassin'.. i don't how the situation is like now.. but what i know that i had a dozen missed calls on my hp when i woke up.. from the bottom of my heart.. at this point of time that i'm bloggin'.. i hope it's ok now.. i don't even dare to call kakak.. pray..

today we are reportin' at tampines to do some final touches to the store's renovation which started since last oct.. but before that.. will be meetin' brader first in an hour.. sweet of him to accompany me to suntec.. will be gettin' a new pair of jeans.. cos my most comfortable and favourite one has totally worn out.. had that pair since my national service days i think.. well got to go now.. i'm freakin' late.. can't wait to meet brader.. chao..

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