Feb 8, 2009

fig, olive & the first movie date..

can't believe i have both weekends off this week.. my.. dats a first in months i think.. but ironically.. i have no plans in mind.. might as well work.. hmm..
so i did the unthinkable.. besides indulgin' myself everyday in p***.. and more p***.. (u can actually get bored u know).. i dug out my old trash.. my old diary.. from yr 2000.. ahhh the wonderful memories.. especially in mar & aug '00.. hmm.. but let's see what was i doing on this day.. 9 yrs back..


wow.. so the happenin' today in '00.. i think it was a form of school service we had to do.. a form of punishment.. but i can't remember why.. dots..
but thank god it's a different story today in '09..

went to the new mediterranean eating place @ jp.. fiq & olive.. together with honey and the little ones.. i brought younger sis.. and honey brought along hers.. i think the waiters might have mistaken me as their daddy.. haha.. compliment?.. insult?.. u be the judge.. anyways it was a good lunch.. and ex too.. but i don't mind at all..

and another historic moment was made today.. we went to our first movie date.. yup.. in 12 mths since we were together.. with the little ones of course.. cos honey gets perturbed goin' to the movies alone with anyone.. especially if her movie partner is a guy.. (it's wrong).. cos it's her principle.. i try to understand.. but i still don't know why.. she prefers her movie outings to be in groups..
sometimes i wonder what we did on our dates this past year.. cos goin' out to the movies is usually the in-thing for first and randomly subsequent dates.. since god created time maybe.. thank god the kids were around.. they mooted the idea.. they wanted to watch "inkheart".. maybe cos it's the only movie in theatres at the moment that has kids and family adventure elements.. i can't possibly be bringin' them to watch underworld.. or worse still.. fann wong and christopher lee.. urgghh.. ;P so honey was able to tag along with us too.. haha..

oh my god.. i just had a dejavu checkin' the preview of this post.. funny..
really hope my plan for this tuesday comes along well..
and wats up with my facebook acct.. the glitch is still there..


  1. sad to break this to you man.
    but it's still yan ALMIGHTY.

    and no.
    yan is still way cooler than amin when amin was 24.
    why? 3 simple reasons.
    1)when amin was 24, nobody put his pic up on a blog as pic of the week.
    2)amin didnt have a nice rainbow wig on PLUS a tall yellow hair wig thingy.
    3)amin couldn't be smiling after being wrapped to a pillar with a plethora of balls thrown at him and getting several 'ric flair-chops on his chest.

    and amin is still not cool at 27plus plus cos he had his face smeared with a smelly sock by an almost helpless victim of birthday fun afterwhich he single handedly, almost, blinded HIMSELF with his OWN hand sanitizer.

    so that's that! hah!

  2. plethora?.. sorry dude.. dats the only word that caught my attention.. so wat were u sayin'?.. ;P

  3. thats a cute post about you and ur fiancee hee.

  4. haha kyn.. thx.. actually the post was cute coz we r cute.. haha..

  5. hey heard from dhaz u wanna link me, link laaaaa, action ask him konon. hahaha.
    you know where to find my link right so i wont have to jot it down here (:

  6. Link me http://iramira.blogspot.com ok Stone Cold Steve Austin

  7. Amin, ni aku Tini.. link lah aku.. at tinker-trinket.blogspot.com. anywae, let me know ur email..coz my blog is private.. thanks...

  8. hi tini.. my add is edge_christian@msn.com.. ur link on my blog tngah standby.. haha..

  9. amin, i've added u oredi.. go approve it..:)
